It's no coincidence that this is the time of year when my patients start job searching, giving their boss the extra side eye, or dreaming about that business they want to start. That's the Wood Element within us, pushing us toward the fullest expression of ourselves. We learn from the Wood Element:
A flower doesn't ask for its share of the sun, it just grows instinctively toward the light.
The Wood Element is about self-actualization, and encourages us to ask ourselves:
Am I living my best life? Am I living ON PURPOSE?
If the answer to those questions is Yes- we feel ridiculously abundant. Money and resources effortlessly flow our way. We sing on our way to work (there's a playlist for that). We stand in our power.
If the answers to those questions are NO- we feel stuck. Burdened. Overwhelmed. Frustrated. Powerless... and often- broke.
Here are my favorite ways to energetically tap back into the flow of abundance that is our birthright:
1. Write Money is Love on all of your checks and credit card slips.
According to Barbara Wilder, author of "Money is Love: Reconnecting to the Sacred Origins of Money", this will help to shift any fear and limiting beliefs that you align with your money. It also sends a positive vibration of money out into the universe. I've tried this, and it really, truly works.
2. Practice Gracious Receiving
Allow yourself to receive gifts, praise, and compliments without negating them, discrediting them, or trying to return them. Why? Because you are worthy, and worthy of abundance.
3. Practice Generosity
The more your share, the more you have! It's just as true for money as it is for love and happiness. So, practice giving expecting nothing in return, just for the heck of it. Donate to organizations you love, tithe at a spiritual organization, or
give surprisingly great gifts (for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, or just because!).
4. De-Clutter
Get rid of stuff- mental, emotional or physical- that may be blocking the way for something new to come in. Let your Spring Cleaning be both inside and out! Let go of anything you no longer need or doesn't bring you absolute joy, and create space in your life for more. As Ms. Badu advises, "Let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go."
Want a deeper dive into the science of abundance? Check out the recording of my webinar Flower Essences 101: Attracting Abundance to learn about key flower essences to shift your blocks to abundance. If you're ready to get your business dream off the ground, come in for In My Element Business Coaching. There are so many ways to tune in, and to live on purpose.
Wishing you love, light, and abundance this season!