Monday, February 8, 2016

Awakening to Sensuality...

Last year I had the honor of attending a Soul Sistah Series Yoni & You event, which was fabulous! Who knew that tucked away in the busy streets of midtown was a little oasis where you can indulge all of your senses?!? During my yoni steam, I was brought plates of strawberries and watermelon.  I rested in a dry sauna whose stone walls made me feel like I was entering the Red Tent, and soaked in ginger and lemon baths.

Then I rested in a quiet meditation room where I bawled like a baby for about an hour. All of that cleansing released deep wells of emotions that had been waiting to erupt:  I mourned the loss of 5,000 pictures and memories from when my computer crashed, taking with it the sweet memories from a failed union.  I cried out the alternating frustration, rage, and loneliness of single-mamahood.   I cried at the fact that I was in a beautiful space, surrounded by beautiful people, and crying.  And when the tears finally- finally! - dried up,  I slept like I was in a coma. 

Rewind.  Weeks before the event,  and the Soul Sistah Series team interviewed me about my fave flower essences for women in the pursuit of pleasure.  You have to laugh at the irony- being called in as an expert on pleasure, but instead hysterically crying.  You just can't make this stuff up.

What I realized is this.   Our sensuality, as well as our capacity for intimacy, joy and pleasure reside in our Root and Sacral chakras.  But guess what else lives there? ALL of our emotions. Not some, and not just the 'bad' ones.   ALL of them.  Over the years I've learned that when I suppress any negative emotion- anger, fear, insecurity- my libido takes a nose dive.  Taking with it my capacity pleasure and creativity.  

The truth is, we don't have to "learn" pleasure.  We're born with the capacity to experience the erotic and the joy of simply being alive.  Which is why my favorite flowers for pleasure are not simply feel good flowers.   Instead, the flowers essences for love and intimacy speak to what lies beneath- the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that must be addressed so that our natural capacity for pleasure can emerge unobstructed

I hope you join me this month as we remove the barriers to love, intimacy, and creativity.    At New Moon Namaste, we'll intimately engage our senses and activate our Sacral Chakras through the sexiest yoga flow ever. And at Ebb & Flow all month, we'll dance in Fire and Water. 

Wherever you go this month, may you be surrounded by love.  And check out the vid below with my fave flower essences for intimacy and sensuality!

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