Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Water Element: Into the Yin

In Taoist philosophy, there are two opposing forces that govern and create everything in the universe. 
These forces-  Yin and Yang- are dependent upon one another.  In this Tai Ji symbol, Yang represents the light area, ascending towards heaven, while Yin represents the dark area, descending towards Earth.  One cannot exist without the other, and balance comes from these two forces being in perfect harmony. 

The Water Element  is represented by the point at the bottom of this  symbol, the point of the most Yin. Like Water flowing through rivers and streams, Yin is soft, receptive and yielding.   Like womb and ocean waters, the dark and mysterious Yin is the source of all life. Like the water we pour for libation, Yin is a conduit between the present moment and the history that created it.  And as the feminine polarity of cosmic power, Yin brings form and substance to our intentions.

This point on the cycle corresponds to the Winter season, the season of gestating our seeds of potential.   It is  during this time we conserve our energy, nurturing and fortifying ourselves for the Yang  seasons to follow. 

Here are some ways to nourish your Yin energy during this time of year:

1.  Slow Down & Be Still 
We live in a society that tells us to constantly to go go go...  do more more more ... faster faster and faster!  Its no wonder that many of us have a hard connecting to the Yin qualities of slowing down and being still.  You might find that you don't want to party, go to the gym or push yourself as much this season.  Instead of beating yourself up for what you're not doing or getting done, be kind to yourself and indulge in some rest and relaxation.  If that sounds impossible, Aloe flower essence can help you to replenish if you are the type of person to burn yourself out with activity, while Impatiens flower essence helps you to just...   slow...  down and be in the moment. 

2. Practice Acceptance
In this season of Yin, I frequently hear people around me (ummm....  myself included!) saying things like, "I can't take it anymore!"  "I've had enough" and I give up!"  That's because the Yin energy is not about fighting for what we want, its about acceptance of what is.  But before you through in the towel, know that how you're feeling is part of the cycle of energy.  Those feelings of overwhelm may simply be the Yin energy saying, "give your mind and heart a rest, just be still".  Don't worry, the next season brings the energy to make changes! So honor this period of "not knowing" and allow the mystery of life to unfold. It is all about aligning your personal will to a Greater will.

3.  Go Within  
Instead of relying on gathering facts, data, and other people's opinions, the Yin energy is all about tuning into your intuition and trusting your inner wisdom.   But just as with any relationship, building trust with yourself takes time and practice.  Start with small decisions- like what to wear  or what to eat on a given day, and notice how when you listen to your gut, things tend to work out.   Cerato flower essence is a great flower essence to help you learn to listen to and  trust your intuition.

4.  Listen... and Receive 
Speaking of listening, the Yin energy helps us to be receptive to other perspectives and points of view.  The next time you are in a tense situation, take a moment to breathe into a place of stillness before you act.  You'll be surprised how quickly the "right" response will come to you, or what you might "hear" that's not being said.  If you find yourself frequently in situations of miscommunication, try Calendula flower essence.  Its soft, gentle quality teaches how to listen with our minds and our hearts.

5. Celebrate the Feminine
In our patriarchal society, feminine power is often devalued or misunderstood.  But honoring and celebrating Yin energy can be a powerful way to restore balance to your life!  This might mean exploring Goddess Archetypes that resonate with you, or taking time to reconnect with important women in your life. It may mean dancing with reckless abandon, or creating a sacred space in your home.

I created The Kamaria Circle as a space for women to celebrate and honor every aspect of being a woman.  For me, it was a  journey into my own celebration of what it means to be a mother, an entrepreneur, a wife, a healer, an artist, a friend.   I am soon grateful for the phenomenal women who show up every year to join this sacred circle.

  This season, I hope you find many ways to tap into your sacred Yin energy!

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