Thursday, July 7, 2016

What the World Needs Now...


I'm going to be completely honest and transparent.   This blog was supposed to be a celebration about the upcoming Magic & Medicine flower essence training happening this weekend.  I love flower essences... LOVE them.   I am REALLY excited about the training.  So, I was going to write a blog about the difference between flower essences and essential oils, and I was going to share stories of the profound shifts they facilitate.  

But everytime I went to write, I kept seeing images of Alton Sterling's son weeping.  

I couldn't write.  My excitement felt inappropriate, and I started feeling despondent.  sad.  angry.  distracted. powerless.  unexpected tears would well up.  As my heart wept for humanity, I felt even more disconnected from my purpose.  

In my practice, so many came in yesterday feeling the same way.   Eyes slightly glazed over, distracted and unable to focus.  Some felt almost numb, while others' muscles tensed in a hyper-viligent state of fight or flight.   Secondary trauma, which is the emotional duress that results when an individual witnesses the firsthand trauma experiences of another,  is REAL. 

I remember reading somewhere that when a mouse dies on a trap, it energetically sends out a message to its fellow mice colony so they can avoid the same trap.  A telepathic "don't eat the peanut butter!" of sorts, which is why you have to keep switching the bait.   

I believe that we as humans are no different.  I believe when one of us is affected by crimes of hate, we ALL are.  We receive the message- yes through social media, but also deep in our bodies.  

The question is:  how do we stop eating the peanut butter?  

There are no easy answers, but I personally always turn to flower essences when my heart is aching. When my mind needs clarity.  When my soul needs solace.   Here's whats in my medicine cabinet right now:

Star of Bethlehem Flower Essence:  For any type of shock and trauma, Star of Bethlehem flower essence helps to reconnect the body and spirit for a sense of renewed wholeness.

Borage Flower Essence: Creates a sense of buoyancy in the heart when it is weighted by grief or disappointment.

Mountain Pride Flower Essence:  Helps us respond to injustice with clarity and conviction, while staying connected to our soul purpose.  

As I slowly, gently and lovingly come back to myself, I am reminded of my purpose. I am reminded that this ancient medicine is needed in times like this.   I am inspired to be an agent for change, and allowing space for RIGHT ACTION to reveal itself. 

May each and everyone of us find the connection between our personal purpose, and the soul of the world.  We are the ones we've been waiting for.  


  1. YES to healing our hearts and living our true purpose won that we can no longer live in a state of helplessness and discouragement, fear, stagnation. The heart is all about unconditional Love and what I've been advocating for myself and others is the need for Self Love, for truly relying on that which is Greater than our 3rd dimensional physical states of consciousness for a higher vibration of BEing! This is what my Spirit is telling me Will end the chaos of the dream and all of the other illusions that we've created.

  2. YES to healing our hearts and living our true purpose won that we can no longer live in a state of helplessness and discouragement, fear, stagnation. The heart is all about unconditional Love and what I've been advocating for myself and others is the need for Self Love, for truly relying on that which is Greater than our 3rd dimensional physical states of consciousness for a higher vibration of BEing! This is what my Spirit is telling me Will end the chaos of the dream and all of the other illusions that we've created.

  3. Absolutely, magnificently, courageously .... perfect. Sigh .... we need this. Thank you - I'm sharing it with my clients.
