I wish I Could...
I think I Can...
Don't Mind if I Do!
If your thinking about the Harvest Moon Retreat sounded something like that, then I can't wait to see you in the Catskills! I literally can't wait for the cooling breeze and the autumn trees...
But if you're still in the I wish I could phase, here are some ways to tell if the Harvest Moon Retreat is exactly what you need:
1. This is you on the first day of school:
This summer I took on an extra, unpaid job as my daughter's personal assistant. Responsibilities included coordinating transportation to and from camp, scheduling playdates, and
programming fun summer activities. So... I join mamas across the country in celebration of back-to-school, which means I can get a little bit back-to-me.
2. You're ready for CHANGE
Maybe you need small micro-adjustments, or maybe you need a whole life overhaul. The Autumn Equinox welcomes in the Metal Element- the season of transformation- and the ideal time for creating new schedules, new habits, and new routines. At the Harvest Moon Retreat, we'll be taking time, taking stock, and taking charge. Let me help you Find Your Flow!
3. You look like this on the first day of school:
You work in education - or maybe you're in school yourself! From mid-August through June you are on your grind. You might as well welcome this little escape to the Catskills, to take time to make sure that YOU make it on your to-do list this year.
4. You want to be cosmically aligned:
The synchronicity of the brightest full moon of 2015, the lunar eclipse, the Harvest Moon, and the Autumn Quinox makes you want to get your Goddess on. Maat and Lakshmi to be exact. We'll be preparing for this Full Moon in Pisces with deep reflection, manifesting intentions, and practices to align us with abundance and gratitude. Bring it!
5. Vacation should be... a vacation.
You can't remember the last time you had a vacation didn't involve a whole lot of shenanigans, and your ready for some you-time. For the Harvest Moon Retreat, there's just a beautiful, effortless ride from Port Authority to the Catskills. Picture yourself reading a book, listening to music as you serenely ride pass mountains and waterfalls. Meals and accommodations are included, so there's nothing to think (or worry) about. All you have to do is show up- in mind, body and spirit. Now, that's what I call a vacation!
Payment Installments Available Until Sept 1st
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