Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Water Element: Into the Yin

In Taoist philosophy, there are two opposing forces that govern and create everything in the universe. 
These forces-  Yin and Yang- are dependent upon one another.  In this Tai Ji symbol, Yang represents the light area, ascending towards heaven, while Yin represents the dark area, descending towards Earth.  One cannot exist without the other, and balance comes from these two forces being in perfect harmony. 

The Water Element  is represented by the point at the bottom of this  symbol, the point of the most Yin. Like Water flowing through rivers and streams, Yin is soft, receptive and yielding.   Like womb and ocean waters, the dark and mysterious Yin is the source of all life. Like the water we pour for libation, Yin is a conduit between the present moment and the history that created it.  And as the feminine polarity of cosmic power, Yin brings form and substance to our intentions.