Sunday, September 9, 2012

Spirit of Autumn (pt. 1): Find Your Flow

This morning I noticed that the leaves on the tree outside my window have started to change.  And even though it feels like summer just started, there's nothing like Labor Day weekend and back to school sales to let you know that its time to bid farewell to the Summer days. School is back in session, and for many, summer hours at work come to an end and a new fiscal year begins.

As you can see in the diagram, the summer represents the most Yang time of year.  In the

summer, energy is high as we head outdoors, and indulge in the fun and joys of life.  But Autumn marks the time in the cycle when the energy begins to shift downward and inward, returning to the Yin of time and space-conditioned Earth.  This is why the Fall is a great time for creating new schedules,  routines, and organization.

I'll be perfectly honest.  Last year I missed this golden opportunity for change and I was a hot mess the entire school year!  Between juggling full-time school, building my practice, and being an overtime mommy, I always felt overwhelmed and overextended, like i was constantly losing a race against time.   I felt more and more chaotic as the neglected housework and laundry pile grew and grew.   Looking for school uniforms and something to wear to work made my mornings even more hectic and impossible.  Dinner was on the table late, and I often passed out exhausted trying to put my daughter to sleep (not a great idea if you're in a relationship). Only to wake up and start the whole circus again the next morning. 

This year I vowed to make a change- I would not be the crazy, stressed out woman I was last year.   I needed a system.  I needed organization. I needed order and peace in my home.